This review of Royals by Rachel Hawkins is long, long overdue.
I could literally talk about this book for hours. I’m not usually one to read romance, teen or otherwise. It just had never really held an appeal to me before. I’m more the type of woman who likes to read about faces paced car chases, explosions, and magic. But this book changed that.
Royals is cleverly written with so much wit and humor. None of the characters or dialogue seem forced in any way. I could easily see myself running into any of them on the street, because they are just regular kids.
I was lucky enough to be able to snatch up a copy of this book the day it came out, which happened to be right around the time of the Royal wedding! Wonderful marketing, if you ask me. I chose this book because I wanted to expand my horizons a little bit as far as what I’ve been reading. I love the books by Ally Carter, as I have stated in previous reviews and I follow her on social media. I saw her interactions with Rachel Hawkins, and decided to follow her aw well. Seeing how passionate and excited she was about this book told me I needed to be on the lookout for it.
It was, as I mentioned earlier, far outside my usual realm of reading. But I am so unspeakably grateful that I picked it up. I love it and have already re-read it. I am headed to the library later this week to see if I can pick up any of her other works!
10/10, would recommend.